Monday, September 21, 2009

Mabel and Ricky

Mabel and Ricky are married! The weather forcast was for rain...lots of it!! What we ended up with was a slight over cast that turned into brilliant sunshine and nice warm weather. Well, that's what happened but the skies did look a little menacing, luckily it held up long enough for us to get out and snap a few.

Their wedding was co-ordinated very well and I credit this to their GM who ran a really really tight ship (which I think is a good thing) :)
Since we had the bridal shoot before their ceremony their GM had to keep the pace going and make sure that everything was running on time. This worked out great, we had some time for bridals, videographer had time to take his shots and we all made it to the church on time....what more can you ask for? He did all the stressing out so that Mabel and Ricky didn't have to...Great job Philip!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Pam and Andy

A few months ago...okay, (more like last year) my good friends Pam and Andy announced that they were getting married!! Being that we are such good friends I was incredibly honoured when they asked me to be their photographer!!

I love taking pictures for friends because everyone is relaxed and that makes for great moments. Even when we're not looking for anything in particular things just happen naturally and that's what makes for great photos!

We headed out to U of T just to hang out and took a few snaps while we were there. Heading back to the ol' stomping ground where I spent many a sleepness night brought back memories....sigh...funny thing is I started to miss those days, then I remembered finals, case studies and studying, yeah, not missing it that much anymore. :)

Here are a few of pictures to share..