...days old , and it has been one hundred days of tears, laughter and so far pretty good nights! I attribute the easy going nights to my lovely wife whom wakes up every couple of hours to tend to the baby's needs. I'd love to help but you know, I'm just the dad :) Thanks sooooo much Hon!
Before my daughter was born people kept telling us that having a second child is a lot easier than having your first and of course you believe it. You've been through the early stages once before, you know all about changing diapers, sleepless nights, feeding, burping, spitting up, crying, the list goes on and on. The reality is they are WRONG! Babies are people too (so I have learned) and as such they have their own little personalities. The experience we gained from her older brother didn't always translate and we are again learning as we go. Not a bad thing, just not an easy thing. But then you would be silly if you thought that raising children would be.
At the end of the day, when you've put the little ones to bed,you realize that no matter how bad the day has been, you just wouldn't want it any other way.
Life is good and you really can't ask for much more than that.
Happy one hundred days sweetie, daddy loves you.